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Frequently Asked Questions

• Do you have a waitlist?

We do not have a waitlist. 


•The shipping month I want says "sold out" what do I do?

For the 2024 season we will ONLY be posting availability on our Facebook page. Please follow, like and "Favorite" our Facebook page so you do not miss out on any hatching eggs or chicks. We do not keep a waitlist, all availability will be sold as they are posted. 


•For my assorted hatching dozen, can I request certain egg colors or breeds?

We cannot accept requests for the assorted dozen. Just like the description states, it is like "hens choice". But we do guarantee you will receive a beautiful assortment of eggs that consists of at least 3 of our breeds. If there are certain breeds you have your eyes on, we suggest you place an order for each breed individually.


•Do you offer split dozens? I want 6 eggs from one breed and 6 from another breed. 

We do not offer split dozens at this time.  


•Do you offer half dozens?

We do not. We only offer full dozens. 


•Do you have speckled egg hatching dozens?



•If I order 3 hatching egg dozens, can you ship them in the same box?

No. Our shipping boxes and materials can only safely fit 14 eggs per shipment. Please be sure to select the correct shipping at checkout. If you select the wrong one, you risk your order getting placed further down the egg queue, while we contact you to complete payment.


•Why are there limits on how many per breed I can order?

We are a small scale farm. We breed for quality not quantity of orders like most large hatcheries. We want to ensure that we will be able to fulfill all orders, so we set limits to help us with that.


•Are your Silverudds blue egg gene tested?

Yes. Our Silverudds have been tested though IQ Bird Testing and are 100% homozygous (certified OO)


•Do you ship to other countries?

Unfortunately we cannot. We only ship within the United States. 


•How often do you check fertility?

We start checking fertility in January and February. As well as though out the year. All chickens are identified, coops are numbered and eggs are labeled, allowing it to be easier for us to document and keep track of fertility.


•When will pickled eggs be available?

In May we will start taking orders for pickled eggs.


Can I tour your farm?

Due to bio-security regulations, we cannot allow tours of our property. Diseases can be carried on the bottoms of shoes and can contaminate our flock, so we do our best to keep any visitors picking up chicks to not walk around. However, our coop is close enough to where you can see their living quarters and they free range daily, so you would be able to see the health of our flock. 


Do you sell laying hens?

We do sell laying hens. However, availability is very limited. Follow us on Facebook to get weekly updates of our current availability, which sometimes includes laying hens.  We do not ship laying hens. We only ship chicks. 


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